This, February 25th, election is arguably Nigeria's most unique.

It is the first one in a long time where no aspirant is a president or former president/C-in-C.
It is the first time the monopoly of the leading two parties will be broken (with the emergence of a third major contender).
It is the first time Nigerian youths are really, actively, massively getting into the politicking/electuoneering fray, to decide their future.
It is also a season that is making many wonder if Nigerians indeed want the change they clamour for.

This popoignant puzzle arises from the fact that, world over, when people want a change they go for the person or institution that embodies the new and do away with the old. In Nigeria (and Nigerian)'s case, the people who advocate (please add a 'd' to the word before these in bracket) a new order seem to have all the reasons why the time is not right for that change.

Beyond the rhetorics, grandstanding and postulating, what it really boils down to is;

  • ‌Can we continue like this?
  • ‌Do we indeed want a change?
  • ‌If not now, when?
  • ‌Can we survive another bout under these current conditions?

These are the ethos of political and national change (we claim we want).

These should guide you in making the decision to vote. And please note that the consideration goes way beyond you (your present state may be fine and dandy). The driver here is all of us. And our collective progress as a nation.

Welcome to your future!

*image from fact check


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