Stronger You

Was having a conversation with someone and it turned out that this fellow had seen better days. You know what it means to have approximately 50 people on your payroll?

This fellow had been there. But due to the unscrupulous business practices of other people, lost everything. And even ended up in debt.

Our friend had to pick up paid employment and started over again...

Other folks have been in these shoes and died of depression or heartbreak/heartache. Some opted for suicide.

Some things stood out for me from our talk:
✓ Nothing is permanent (make the most of every place, platform and possibility, and do your level best. You may never have them again)
✓ You choose how you respond to the rough tackles of life (lay down and cry, throw in the towel, just end it all et al. It is up to you what happens after what happened)
✓ You can begin again (even from the lowest of levels. Bury your pride and do whatsoever [legal and ethical, please] will get you back on your feet)
✓ Anything you have, or are, is in the middle (there'd always be someone ahead of you and someone behind you. While you aim higher, be encouraged by the fact that it could have been you on the lower rung of the ladder)

The point is, since what you are facing has not killed you (and you can read this) then it should produce a stronger you.

Welcome to your future!

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