Manure for Movement


When you look at it critically, things have changed in your life.

They may have moved in one direction or the other, preferred or otherwise. But there has been movement.

The problem arises when the movement does not align with one's expectations or preferences.

The problem with that problem is that some people hit that patch and allow it determine their outlook and.output.

It is helpful to realize that if there can be movement one way, there can also be movement the other way. What is needed is to change the underlying conditions or dynamics.

Why let undesirable outcomes frustrate you, when you can turn them into manure? Put differently, utilize the difficulty. Get it to work for you.

• Change how you see it
• Change how you respond to it
• Change what you do with it

If you will do these long enough, movement in the desired direction will be the result.

Welcome to your future!

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