2023: Beginning Right

Was having a conversation this morning and asked if  my friend had started working 2023. The response was to the effect that the year has not even fully come in.

Now, that is the the thing.

Whilst, it is technically correct that today is only the first day and one should, at the least, celebrate the new year, do note that today still counts as part of the year.

And as I said to my friend, by the end of today, there'd be 364 days left.

We have started counting.

But beyond the countdown, what are you chasing down?

Do you know it?
Is it clear to you?
Are there SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound, Effective, Re-visited) steps that lead there?

January (from the 1st, if you will) is the time for ruthless execution. 

This is, of course, for those who already articulated (on paper) what they want 2023 to deliver. 

However, if you have not sorted all that out, the next best time to craft your dream 2023 is now!

Take the next couple of hours and set the goals and targets that you spend the rest of the year actualizing.

The year has begun; begin too. And begin right.

Welcome to your future!

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