2023: Lunch & Baskets

Luke 9: 16,17

Most miracles that Jesus performed  did not need 3rd-party involvement...until this one. 

A similar miracle was that of Elijah and the never-ending oil. 

In both cases:

- Someone did not have enough

- Someone was willing to give up their little

- Someone trusted enough to dare

The miracle happened not necessarily because of Christ but because a little boy let go of his lunch. 

Are you ready to give up your lunch? 

• What is lunch for you?

√ What's in your hand (money, material things) 

√ What's in your heart (plans, purposes) 

√ What's ahead (targets, time) 

Will you let go and let God do with them as He will?

In 2023, are you planning to do more, and hustle more, or are you planning to listen more and obey more??

Recall Ecc 9:11? 

As  2 Cor 9:10 shows, your lunch can be one of two things:



--How to recognize seed:

° When it is not enough to be harvest

° When the Lord has need of it (either you'd hear Him whisper it to you or you'd hear it publicly e.g the little boy with the lunch, the owner of the colt) 

° When another needs it more than you

° When it can provoke heaven/the hand of God

The challenge is that we are often stopped by:

~What happens, if I let this go?

~What if nothing comes in? 

You should rather focus on these truths:

° What you hold onto remains the same

° What you hold onto runs the risk of diminishing

° What you hold onto cannot increase

° What you hold onto cannot go ahead of you

When you let go, God:

> Takes it

> Blesses it

> Breaks it

> Gives it

> Multiplies it

The way to the 2023 of your dream is to hold on to nothing so tightly you cannot release it to God. 

Recognize that when you let go (the lunch), you let in (the baskets).


Am I asking you not to plan or set goals and work them? 


Do all that.

Yet, be ready to toe a different line when you sense God wants you to.

The most profound prayer is: not my will but Yours, Lord. 

2023 can be the year you do what you have always done or it can be the year you let God lead you to still waters.


Image from shutterstock.com


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