Up To You

Heard the story, yesterday, of a woman who died at eighty.

She lost her husband when she was half as young. And for the next forty years, lived as a widow and produced five graduates, three of them men of the cloth.

It is impressive enough that she focused (without remarrying) on singlehandedly raising her kids via farming. More impressive is that she did such a job of it that three of them became clerics.

What are you going through? What are the odds against you?

Why are they able to hold you back from attaining your goals? Nothing can limit or restrict you without your consent.

If other people have overcome distressing conditions to achieve great feats, you can do same. Life has the liberty to be tough, it is your prerogative to use that as fuel rather than let it stop you.

Make up your mind to do everything ethical and legal to make the life you'd rather have a reality.

This here person has been in those shoes...

Almost missing out on a university education for lack of sponsorship. I had just determination and faith (in God). Today, we are looking at two BSc's, an MSc, plus professional certifications.

At the end, it, really, is up to you what you make of your life.

Welcome to your future!

Photo credit: shutterstock.com


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