
"There is no time for a time check."

The words grabbed her attention. She turned to look at the speaker.

On the edge of burly, he missed it a narrow margin. He was more an average than tall, kind of guy. He was one of those persons you meet at a dinner and by morning you are struggling to recall what they looked like. 

Nondescript. The word materialized without being bidden. It fit him to a T. 

Then he smiled. And shattered her profiling. 

The smile exposed perfect, baby-like dentition, lit up his face and spotlighted the intelligence in his eyes. It was not a sexual smile. Just one of camaraderie; from one human to another. She found her face relaxing into one in response. 

His smile increased as, she supposed, he saw the transformation on her face. 

She shut it down. No way was she going to start smiling at a stranger. He probably knew he had a killer smile and used it to prey on gullible women.


She paused. 

"Suppressing smiles wrinkle your face. Allow it. It does not bite."

Under his breath, he added, "And neither do I."

She realized in that instant that he'd correctly read her thoughts. She burst out laughing.

He grinned in return. Then said, "That was not so bad was it."

She shook her head. 

"Fantastic. Do have a great day."

Before she could respond, he crossed the road and got into a Range Rover Sport. 

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