The Upstart

She did not like the upstart.

He came from nowhere, was a bleeding foreigner and boom, he was Head of House --- just like that.

However, it was not hard to see why. He was hardworking, sincere and did everything with excellence. He seemed impeccable. Little wonder their master elevated him so fast.

Everything and everyone was under his purview. Even she, who served madam exclusively, had to clear with him.

Despite occupying that position, he remained humble and did not lord it over his fellow servants.

She stopped not liking the upstart.

And began to catch feelings.

She did all she could to get him to play ball. He did not. She started suspecting that he was either born an eunuch or was a neophyte (in the matter of women).

Then he sent for her. By the time he was done talking with her, the vivacity of her hormones dropped. Her respect for him rose.

This was why, without speaking with him, she did not believe the allegation against him. Besides, she had caught her madam looking at him hungrily, more than once.

What she could not figure out was how his cloak ended up in madam's possession. She wished she could ask him. But he was already out of the household, and in jail.

She shared her suspicions with a fellow servant.

The next day, guards came for her. They took her to the Slaves Market. One of Pharaoh's magicians bought her.

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