Risk Assessment

Whenever the term Risk Assessment comes up, it has this aura of something big and mysterious...accessible to a select few.

That is not really the case. Whilst there is a place for the experts and specialization, basic risk assessment is carried on by all and sundry every day. Many times unconsciously.

The idea is to share a few steps to carrying out a risk assessment. Especially with regards to your safety and security.

1. Identify hazards
Every incident starts with a hazard (that was not identified or was overlooked).
Therefore, start with hazards.
2. Decide who/what is at risk
It is necessary to drill down to ascertain who or what might be harmed and how.
3. Evaluate the risks
The point here is to match the risks with existing or proposed precautions/mitigation and determine whether they are adequate or more is required.
4. Review the assessment
Revise it if necessary. The point is that it should be fit-for-purpose.

Stay safe and secure!

Photo credit: app.croneri.co.uk

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