Heartbroken: Watershed

The money was gone. That was apparent.

Lola was getting sicker by the day. That was also apparent. What was not so obvious was what next.

The family was running low on options. Ishaku had long run out. He was resigned to praying and visiting.

On getting home, one evening, after spending the day with Lola, he made a decision.

They discussed it the next day. She was not sure. He was. Her mother's involvement swayed  her.

The were joined, at the registry, two weeks later. The process was accelerated as a concession to Lola's health condition.

When they got home that afternoon, as Ishaku carried her across the threshold, different emotions reared up and clashed, within Lola. Tears became the outlet of their rolling.

By the sixth week after their marriage, Lola had moved to number eighteen on the queue. Dialysis was now three times a week. Most days, it was a chore for her to get out of the house.

A former neighbour of Ishaku's, now resident in Malaysia, somehow heard of their predicament. He contacted Ishaku via Twitter.

Ishaku did not discuss the proposition with Lola. He just went ahead and executed.

Within a week of the money clearing, her travel papers were ready. The hospital in India was ready to receive her.

Ishaku broke the news to her. His only ask was that she get on the plane. The flight was that night.

She agreed on the condition that he answer a question: how?

One of Ishaku's kidneys---sold on the black market.


Photo credit: northcities.org


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