E Go Better

There is a saying in Nigeria that folks resort to when logic fails, reasons can no longer be adduced and it is difficult to fathom why things are in that given state; E go better.

It is both a consolation (to go on living) and an expression of hope (that somehow, something will give).

Granted, the last drops of hope have been all but squeezed out of this axiom. Yet, you cannot give up. You must not. You cannot afford to.


As unpalatable as things are (what with 12.5kg of gas selling at 9 grand [an all-time high] and a family-size loaf at 500 hundred), you hope to get through till you get to.

Even  if it is a concept as worn and syrupy as e go better. Let it motivate you. A sliver of hope trumps hopelessness anytime, any day.

E go better!

Welcome to your future!

Photo credit: religionnews.com

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