Heartbroken: Cusp

Those who have had near-death experiences are not agreed on what the afterlife is like.

Each one comes back with a tale that is, ultimately, theirs.

Ishaku and Lola's parents were waiting down the hallway for the medical team to get through. The sudden scurrying about and frenzied activities told them something was amiss.

Ishaku sprinted to the room and Lola's bedside. She was not breathing. He let out an anguished howl.

His mind raced to stories he'd heard of people who cheated death. He tried to remember any in which those alive were able to influence the departed (and provoke a return).

He yelled her name while shaking her. She could not be dead. He could not accept that. He would not accept that.

Lola's mother lent her voice, her lamentation increased the rowdiness.

A doctor with a shock of black and white hair walked in; light steps belied his bulk.
He asked for the room to be cleared and got to work, flanked by other personnel in scrubs.

One hundred and sixty four minutes and twenty two seconds passed before any of them came out.

Within that time, Ishaku died many times over. The realization of how much he wanted her in his life did not help.

The family besieged the doctor, eager for news.

He allowed them to see her briefly.

Lola was surrounded by beeping machines. The ventilator helped her breathe while others supported and monitored other vital organs.

She was alive but yet to regain consciousness.

She'd suffered acute renal failure. The poison triggered the failure of a kidney that was already damaged by high blood pressure. The other was not in the best of health.

A transplant was recommended. A donor was needed.

Photo credit: led-linear.com

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