Diligence, Relevance, Success

Solomon Ben David said, "Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might."

Seated in an international conference on energy transition and sustainable development, one thing strikes me with the force of a mule's kick, if you do what you do well, and keep doing it, ultimately, you will ascend to the place where you not only cannot be sidelined but also become sought after. 

The common denominator for everyone who is delivering an address or is a panelist here is that they have paid their dues. 

These are the days when many want to get in a field and within a short space (of time) become major players and luminaries in that space. This may happen once in a while, but that is the exception. The norm is that you do your bit, diligently and professionally over time and them become an authority and a name.

If you will take the route of doing what you do so well that you cannot be ignored, you can be certain that your efforts will be acknowledged and rewarded. And it is at that point that you call the shots (so to say) and name your price.

As Madeline Miller said, "This was how mortals found fame, I thought. Through practice and diligence, tending their skills like gardens until they glowed beneath the sun."

This is a good time to commencing find that, if you have not already started. 

Welcome to your future!

photocredit: https://godtv.com/


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