Choose. Get Involved

Nigeria is gearing up for elections. That is not news. 

There are three leading candidates, heading to the presidential elections. That is also not news. 

Some people are committed, even fanatically, to the causes of these three individuals. That is still not news. 

What is news is that in the midst of all the shifts in political landscape, and the ongoing redefinition of how politicking is carried out in Nigeria, some persons are still on the fence. 

They propose to carry on just as they always have, minding their own businesses, ensconced I  their worlds. Forgetting that their worlds intersect with the very one they'd rather be oblivious of. 

When one chooses not to make a choice, they have already made a choice. 

The bad thing about choosing not to choose is that the decision making is left to others who most often do not look out for your interests. 

Whether in politics, business or associations, the worst place to be is in the middle of the road. You get run over very quickly by oncoming traffic.

The reason Humpty Dumpty fell over was that they sat on the wall. 

It is better to make a decision and follow it and find out later it was not the most informed, than to leave everything to chance.

Get involved. Pursue your own path. There is too much at stake to leave it to chance. 

Welcome to your future! 

*image from


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