Life Lessons From Sing 2

Sing 2 is a musical animation about a koala and his assortment of musicians. As in the first instalment, there is a big dream being chased.

Besides a good storyline and musicianship, there are lessons that anyone can apply to life:
• Go after the things that matter to you
Some platforms will not be handed you on a platter, pursue them.
• Opportunities come with challenges
There is no level you want to attain that does not have things to overcome.
• Make good on your claims
It is either you can deliver at the time of making said claims or you find a way to.
• Never downplay people's real natures
Do not be carried away by what people say or offer, keep an eye on who they really are. Or you may pay dearly, as the protagonist almost did.
• Everyone has their place and use
That they are different does not mean they cannot play a role in your success. When push came to shove, one character's thug father came to the rescue.
• Natural motivators unseat fear
Even crippling fears will fade when a natural motivator is triggered. If you can find a way to do this internally, it serves better than leaving it to external factors.
• Folks eventually get tired of bad people
Human beings will accept unpleasantness and mistreatment only for so long and then they want no more. That is why both the villain's assistant and daughter could turn against him.
• Your efforts will not go unrewarded
It may take time and hurdles and some outright craziness but in the end your hard work will pay off and you will get your due.

Welcome to your future!

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