On one occasion, Jesus the Nazarene stood by the place where people cast their offerings and observed the goings-on. Some dropped fat, earth-shaking sums, others not as much but healthy all the same.
After a widow showed up and gave one coin, He turned to His disciples and said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
I witnessed this play out today, and it brought tears to my eyes.
A woman gave someone her ATM card to make a transfer to someone else who was in need. The amount was 6 grand. When the transfer was done, she had 5 grand left.
For a person who might need to survive on that amount for a couple of weeks, it was instructive for me that she could still reach out to another person in need.
The lessons:
° It is not how large your purse is but how large your heart is
° It is less about what you give and more about what it cost
° It can be expensive touching other lives, do it anyway
° It will be noticed by someone, somewhere when you genuinely do good
Even where there is no discernible harvest from the seed sown (which is rarely the case) rest assured in the fact that you have helped another sojourner.
This, of course, is different from Social Media Giveaway (the reason for, and benefit of, which is likes and followers).
Anytime you reach out to another in need, keep this parameter in mind:
~What is the price of that charitable act?
~What is left for the giver afterwards?
That way you can score yourself on how well you have done.
Photo credit:vectorstock.com/
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