SEE Well


Acronyms are beautiful things. They are memory aids. The catchier they are the harder they are to forget.

There is an acronym that is good for your health. It is one that will ensure good health, where it exists, and procure it, where it is lacking.

SEE is a simple, yet efficacious wellness principle. SEE is:

Sleep entails not just lying still but also resting. Especially resting. Medical science tells that there is a difference between lying down and resting.

Get the rest your body needs. It requires that to refresh. And bounce back.

Eating is more about quality than quantity.
Some folks believe in wolfing down all that comes their way. You know better though, you eat balanced diet. You know that whatever is swallowed goes down, settles and synthesizes deposits you may not exactly appreciate.

Exercise is fabulous way to fitness and engendering health. Working out releases hormones that promote wellness.

So, to be well, SEE well.

Stay safe!

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