Plans & Alternatives

 Things will go awry the first opportunity they get.

Apologies if that statement offends your sensitivities. It is just Murphy's Law paraphrased.

At the risk of being labelled trite or cliché, the expression is aimed at getting you to understand that even your best laid plans can go south without as much as a by-your-leave.

Thus, take a long, hard, look at your plans. Develop alternatives. And alternatives to those.

The beauty of this approach lies in these facts:
~You have options to fall back on
~You are mentally prepped for the possibility of things not going as envisaged
~You are better equipped to react faster and more strategically

Just acknowledging the possibility of things going off at a tangent is a plus. Planning for such eventuality is a bigger plus. It separates the men from the boys and facilities resilience in people and organizations.

Welcome to your future!

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