Take A Break

 If you do not live in Nigeria, the concept of rest and vacation might be something you take for granted.

For many Nigerians, in Nigeria, vacation et rest are words in the dictionary. Or workplace concepts like retirement and pension. In practice, they are alien.

Many a person would take leave and rather than rest or go on vacation, they would go work on things they could not attend to because of work. You see another reason some folks like the new way of working...

What these folks fail to take into cognizance is that the body will have its rest, one way or the other. Either you give you give it willingly or it will be wrested from you!

When the body, compulsorily, demands rest (from you) other costs become included. In such cases even your health will be in jeopardy.

So, a word of unsolicited advice: get acquainted with rest. It is not a bad thing at all.

When are you taking a break?!

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