Thoughts on Influence


Today let me deal with a phenomenon that everyone has been a peddler or recipient of; influence. More accurately, The Power of Influence.

Whatever you are, or are not, today, is because of some person or factor that shaped your thinking and or behaviour (at some point in the past).

INFLUENCE is the capacity or power to be a compelling force or produce effects on the behaviour, opinions and actions of others.
It is also the ability to change the course of someone’s future by affecting their input or output.

Folks like to think of themselves as above the fray-- able to be around negative influences yet remain untainted. That is a fallacy.
You are constantly being influenced, and influencing, either for good or bad.

How powerful is influence? It created the devil and demons... Monsieur Devil
qpq1qwas the Covering Cherub until pride tainted it and then them.

I believe Solomon Ben David's proverb, "Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it," lends credence to how powerful influence is.

How Influence Works
• Diffusion
• Attraction or Contemplation
• Reception
• Conformation

As you face the year, decide on positive influences that will aid your quest and go after them.

Welcome to your future!

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