Lasting The Course

In the 19th verse of the 105th Psalm an interesting - and somewhat at variance with our present day notion of Christianity - scenario is set out. "...until what he had said would happen came to pass. The Word of the Lord tested him."

There is a time lag between when God's word/promise comes to you and when it manifests in the physical. That time differential is the period when the word (you received) is tried. And you are tested on the basis of the word (you received). It is within this timeline that the word matures you for the place God has for you.

In other words, that set time comes into being when you have been tried ([and tested] because of, and by, that which God declared concerning you) and are triumphant.

So what should you do? Imbibe the virtue contained in verses 5-7 of Proverbs Chapter 3.
"trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success."

Your efforts will at best be limited and your forecasts short-sighted. Would it not pay better then to accept in totality the leadership and guidance of The One who knows the end from the beginning? In that case you do not have to figure it (all) out, just follow knowing everything will work out (beautifully) at the end.

It is trusting God through the test and holding on patiently to His promise and your integrity that qualify you the promised thing/place/position. Ask Joseph: it is how a slave, from a despised race became Prime Minister - a position that had not existed before then - in the most powerful nation in the world at the time.

Hold on! Faithful is He that promised; He will do it. And as the writer said, "having done all...stand!"

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