The 4 S in Success

So you want to make a mark?

You wanna see your plans pan out? 
You want results that count?

Hold onto that desire. It is a good start.

But it is not enough. Dreams are a dime a dozen. Desires that turn frustration are a daily occurrence.

Desires and dreams have to be moved intentionally to the desired endpoints.

To do that, you need:
Sustained supporting action

Desire without supporting action is useless. Dreams without translative plans are wistful wishes.
Strategies for achieving a desire is a brilliant first step in the journey to relevance.
Have a plan to reach your target. Then have another plan, in case the other goes south.

Do not mistake this to mean that strategies are magic wands you wave and are in the Shangri La of success. 

Once you have a workable strategy, get to work. Have the backup handy. But start. Certain kinks will not manifest until you begin.

You may go fast going solo but if the goal is to go far, get others on board.

There is a multiplier effect that is enjoyed when people of like minds are pulling in the same direction. It trumps anything you could ever achieve on your own.

Good things are the enemy of great things. If you have not reached where you set out to get to, you have not arrived. Celebrate what you have attained. However, let it be evidence of progress in your pursuit.

Do not allow anything, however appealing or discouraging stop you from attaining your declared objectives.

What you do once or twice will not have the same impact as what is done repeatedly. It is by constancy that water wears away rock.

Any obstacle will give in to repeated onslaught. If you try enough times, you will get whatever it is you want.

Armed with these four keys, go out and create wonders.

Welcome to your future!

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