
The Book says out of the mouth of two or three witnesses a thing is established. I'd always seen it as a backing for pronouncing judgment (and more often than acquittal, convicting a person).

That was until the events that transpired on the eve of the last High Sabbath. And all at once, not unlike Balaam, my eyes were opened.

My father was a Pharisee, like his father before him. Like every good Pharisee, he taught us to revere the law and the prophets. Unlike most other Pharisees, he encouraged us to study and search for Elohim's position on things. He said men often superimposed their doctrines on God's position.

At the time I did not understand until this last High Sabbath, when the  matter of the Nazarene came up. When I saw the inclination of the Sanhedrin, my father's words made sense.

I was stupefied to say the least. 
He'd fulfilled all of the prophecies that foretold His coming. Yet, because He did not conform to the image the scribes had painted to everyone of who and what the Messiah, the threw everything else out the window.

The day I realized who He was, I went to Him. The words He spoke that evening changed my life.

And now, He stood all condemned. I could not take it and left the scene, did not want to see the things that went with a crucifixion. A wise decision from what I later learnt.

Later that evening, Joseph, the Arimathean, told me he wanted to approach Pilate for the Messiah's body. I egged him on.

As he left something struck me, even in death Christ was still witnessing. There was a Joseph at His birth, and another Joseph at His burial.

Photo credit:iryalecrim.wordpress.com

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