Live Thankful, Live Fruitful

I do not subscribe to the que sera sera view of life. Life is not a one-way street. Our actions have consequences, our inactions have outcomes.

Yet, that does not stop me from being a believer in a higher power/being that has overarching control over human affairs.

God's hands not only keep me, they also order my affairs.

When I look back over the decades I've lived, in particular the last quarter of 2021, I am super grateful.

God has been good to me. Not only do I have life, I have enjoyed and am still enjoying His blessings.

I am not gloating, far be it from me, just acknowledging His faithfulness and goodness.

And if you are like me, and sometimes get overwhelmed by them, then you appreciate that He lavishes these each day.

I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I will take every day that I am given and make the most of it.

The goal is simple:

Live thankful.

Live fruitful.

Welcome to your Future!


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