Avoiding Opportunistic Crimes

Theft, muggings (and all robberies) and kidnappings are crimes that are often opportunistic. Some are, of course, targeted.

The focus today are those that are planned with no particular person in mind, rather the net is cast widely for anyone that fits the profile to be caught.

Here are tips to help you avoid becoming a victim:
° Be aware of your surroundings
Do not get distracted by your thoughts, destination or some other thing. Being conscious and cautious has saved many.
° Check the vehicle you want to get in
Does anything about it or the passengers make you uneasy? Remember that it is okay not to use a particular transport.
° When you get in your car, drive off
Do not stay to count money, touch-up make up, make calls etc
° Reconsider before stopping to assess that damage
While in transit, any (external) damage to your car has already happened, stopping to check same could put you in the hands of hoodlums.
° Be mindful where you stop to fix faults that develop in transit
If you can manage to get to built up areas with plenty human traffic, that is better.
° Giving lifts is often bad business
Forget how they look, strangers that you give lifts may be criminals or their lackeys.
° Look in the rear mirror, often
Do this every 20 seconds, so that, if you are being trailed you can start early to take evasive measures.

If after all these you still end up in their net, do these:
~Do not aggravate things

Stay secure!

photo credit:www.cardinus.com/

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