They say that it is uncool when life happens to you, therefore, happen to life. Or something similar. The bottom line is that it is a great deal better to take charge than be a storm-tossed boat with no idea of when, if at all, shore will be reached.
The light that pierced through the fog which enveloped Ishaku's mind, emanated from a memory of not being the boat.
It was third year in the university and a friend, an orphan was on the verge of dropping out of school. The government was no longer funding the scholarship that brought him to school. It was the past administration's baby, as such, not worth keeping.
While they were worrying, wondering what to do, Akan made a statement: "If it didn't kill me, I am stronger than it."
The words reverberated in Ishaku's head, ricocheting off his cranium until they ripped the blanket around his mind.
Days later, after a battery of tests, Ishaku was discharged. He was to keep taking his meds and coming in every other week for evaluation.
He made a decision: start over, on a clean slate.
Lola travelled for colleague's customary marriage. She refused to dwell on how that could have been her and had plenty fun.
At the terminus, while waiting for their bus to fill up, someone alighted from another. She was glancing away when it clicked.
It could not be.
It could.
This was a chubbier version, sporting an afro and beards. She screamed.
He smiled. But it was clear it was out of courtesy. His how do you do? was cast from the same mould.
Lola was taken aback. This was a different Ishaku.
"I am sorry." She said.
I know I hurt you. I didn't mean to...was so confused."
"Don't sweat it. It's in the past. I suppose you are travelling. Do have a safe trip."
Lola's mouth was still hanging open, eyes trained on his retreating form when the announcer informed all passengers on her bus that it was ready to depart.
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