She woke up with a jerk.
She was drenched in sweat, causing the nightie to cling to her skin. She shivered --- cold and afraid.
Her eyes went to the luminous hands of the Cartier, a gift from him when things were sweet. That was a lifetime ago. 3:05am. Meaning she was only asleep for about an hour.
It seemed like more. She felt tired from all the running she did in that nightmare.
For no reason, and from no where, a black, hollow, floating thing with holes for eyes and mouth materialized and tried to envelope her in a hug. She took off.
Each time she thought she'd lost it and stopped to catch her breath, the horrifying thing showed up again.
It'd been about to embrace her when she woke up.
A draft hit her from the direction of the window. She shivered again. Then another thought formed: that window was always closed.
She shot it a glance.
A shadow detached from the darkness. It was the thing in her dream. It reached for her.
She screamed and passed out.
*Image from
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