Fire Safety


It's been said that fire is a good servant but a terrible master. This stems from the fact that you can put fire to any use. So long as it is under control and within the parameters prescribed for its use, it will serve your purposes dutifully.

However, if it gains the upper hand or has free rein, it rages until it is spent or put out.

From the moment the first person to make a fire discovered it, fire became an integral (and probably irremovable) part of human existence.

Seeing as how few facets of human existence do not need heat or fire, it becomes critical that you do your best to keep it contained, within your preferred operating envelope.
Whether in your home or organization, the following are useful:
√ Isolate fuels from ignition sources (cylinder away from kitchen, PMS away from generators, phones, naked light etc)
√ Keep heat and fuels separated (volatile chemicals, laptop on mattress etc)
√ Monitor all cooking, frying, grilling till done
√ Turn of fire when not in use
√ Switch off all electrical appliances at the close of business
√ Reduce fire load (amount of combustible materials lying around)

Where all these fail, by all means, possess these:
√ Valid basic firefighting tools ( fire extinguishers, fire blankets etc) 
√ The number(s) of the state or local council fire service/department or even that of a company. At least, let there be some response.

Stay safe!

*Image from

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