Staying Afloat

On the way to church this morning, I realized that the best defence for smoking I ever heard was put up by Lil Wayne;
"And don't trip if I light one
I walk a tight one"

That did one thing for me, it brought to the fore the fact that people do all manner of things to stay afloat. That folks would try all sorts of palliatives (smoking, drugs, sex, binging, name it) to get relief from the pressures of life.

That then made me turn the light on me: how do I handle life when it comes crashing down? What is that helps me stay afloat when my boat is taking in water faster than I can bail..?

Beyond the positive affirmations, motivational books/talk, and counselling sessions, there is one thing that has made all the difference. I found it to give a high that is higher than that which any stimulant or depressant offers. Naturally, I got hooked.

You thought I was saying all such stuff is not the best, right? I still am! The difference is that what I am advocating is no substance or substitute.

It is what sets church folks apart. It is that which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and which our hands have handled. It was from the beginning... It is the word of life personified, Jesus Christ!

It is not that we do not have issues and trying times, sometimes they are more than the average person's. What sets us apart, and helps us last the mile is that He promised us that He'll never leave us nor forsake us. It is that assurance that keeps us going, even when we are floundering wildly in the face of unexpected storms we are little prepared for.

One other thing helps greatly. It is taking His word to 'cast all your cares on Him', at face value. There are folks I know who have been through things that would break any regular person BUT they are still here, sailing if I may add. The key was casting 'them cares...' It has never failed. I promise you your case will be no different.

Regardless of what is facing you now all you have to do to stay afloat, like Peter, is to act on one word: COME.

See you at the top!

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