Mind Productivity

Pro 23: 7A

You are what you think!

No one can be separated from that which they dwell on in their mind. No one can produce results different from that which they see in their mind’s eye. No one can become that which they are yet to be in their mind.

This is one reason the poor keep getting poorer; in their thinking they are still poor! No poor man will ever become rich! For that transition to take place, the poor man must first become rich in his mind. And this is not about wealth – and getting rich. It is IMPOSSIBLE to manifest around you that which you have not first become on the inside. Lasting change and progress is first internal, then external.

The mind is the master weaver of both the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance. Ergo, the quality of your mind determines the quality of your life. Life is structured such that the things in and around you wait on and respond to your mind. That is why no one can rise above the level of their thoughts. The mind is a magnet; attracting per time the equivalent of its most dominant thoughts. It is so powerful that it activates forces to bring to reality that which you most often think of. That is why your reality is more shaped by your mind than by happenstance. Research has shown that 70% of illnesses are products of mind disorders. It is worthy of note that the wealthiest nations [and people] are those who deal in mind resource – ideas – not those who deal in natural resources. Ideas are so potent they birth connection[s] and capital.

1. take charge of your mind I Pet 1:13 Discipline your mind: consistently fight negative thoughts with positive information from God’s word. Take charge – those who take care never get anywhere!

2. change your thought life Rom 12:2 You alter your life to the degree to which you alter your thoughts! To change your life, change your thinking – the future you cannot mentally picture you cannot physically feature in.

3. dare to imagine Gen 11:6 Give your mind wings to fly! The poor man is the one devoid of ideas – every tangible thing on earth first existed in someone’s mind.

The mind is a garden either building up or breaking down, cultivate it intelligently and deliberately [to bring good fruits]. There are no limitations anywhere except the ones – you permit – in your mind! Never ever allow your mind vegetate or run wild: consciously and conscientiously put it to productive use.

See you at the top!

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