Starting Small

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting, is a statement credited to Bhudda. What is your truth? Nota bene: your reality, your present state, is a fact. Your destination is the truth. It does not yet appear what we shall be.... The truth is; facts are transient, truth is eternal.

It is the reason all things, years inclusive, end; so you can start over. This year is still new; a good time to get your act together and begin to take the steps that will yield the ends you desire.

Whatever happened in the last year(s) is past - failing, disappointment, disconnecting plus the ones at the positive end of the spectrum - confine them to yesterday.

Reload, aim, and fire. Keep your eye on the target (which presupposes you have some for this year) and begin to walk, and work, towards it. And those two Ws may require starting small...

The only thing that starts from the top is the grave is an axiom most people buy into. This is because folks understand that to build you have to begin from the ground up.

Small beginnings have noble prospects... On the success ladder the starting point is the lowest rung. Anyone who is too big to start small is too small to be big because it is from small beginnings that great things are birthed. There is no building, whatever the size that its construction started with roofing.

Starting small is applying The Seed Principle. It entails


Over time your dreams grow into something big - and hopefully, outlive you. A mustard seed is about the size of a grain of sand but when it eventually grows into a tree, it is bigger than most garden plants and reaches several feet.

Many wish that they could get retakes, as in movie production, starting small offers that. There's no better time to make mistakes, experiment, and learn what works and what doesn't than in infancy. According to Joyce Meyer, "Getting organized in the normal routines of life and finishing little projects you've started is an important first step toward realizing larger goals. If you can't get a handle on the small things, how will you ever get it together to focus on the big things?"

Borrow a leaf from Elohim's World Salvation Project as depicted in its Mission Statement: For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. [John 3: 16 -TLB]

This is the model: *Have an enormous vision *Haul in your passion *Begin from seed *Believe in it and you

Starting small can be tedious, mountainous sometimes, may be discouraging even but it is a necessary factor in the success equation. There is no law or reason prohibiting the actualization of your château en Espagne. If you keep shooting, you will eventually clear a path for yourself. Francis of Assisi said, "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." And what is necessary my friend is to start - from where you are, with what you have.

See you at the top.

© 2015 John Chidi

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