The Miracle Of Passion

According to Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch, "the most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."

The Webster’s dictionary defines passion as “an intense, driving or overmastering feeling of conviction” or “a strong desire for or devotion to some activity or concept.”
Passion is that which sets your soul on fire… That which dictates what you are willing to spend your life on! It is being convicted that you dare not go through life without a particular essence.

Passion is the chief determinant of how far you go in life. No one ever became anything noteworthy without first being passionately consumed by it. The difference in the results people produce is predicated on passion.

Passion unleashes imagination

Passion provides motivation

Passion activates exertion

Passion enhances success-disposition

Passion inspires devotion

How strong is your desire [for success, relevance (add that which you desire)]? If you really, really want it, a way to it will open up.

Passion makes you…
Objective [generates blind-sides and keeps you purposeful and focused]
Option-less [alternative means are few or non-existent]
Operational [not just work but in a progressive manner]
Overcome [there is no obstacle that will not give way to a passionate person]
Outstanding [a person of passion will always end up as alpha in any pack]

Passion runs the world. The world will always stand still [and make way] for the person who is on fire—Catch It.

Establish that which you can die for [passion is not what you are ready to live for; it is what you are willing to die for]
Exit your comfort zone [fear and trailblazing can’t co-exist, one of them has to die—let it be fear!]
Exert yourself especially when it is not easy [success is not the event, it is the process, hence, can be replicated]
Esteem what you do, do what you esteem [the difference between the dispirited person and the dead one is that one works]
Endure the growth season [most failures are people who gave up on the brink of success]
Embrace opportunities [few things motivate and excite like opportunities grabbed and utilized]

And when the fire is going out?
Fall in love with the process: repeat what you do long enough and the results will take care of themselves.

People give up for one reason: their passion is spent. That should not be you—Stay In The Game.

In 2005, Liverpool played against AC Milan in the European Cup final. In the 1st minute, Milan scored. They scored again by the 39th minute and again in the 44th minute. By the second half, Liverpool was 3 goals down. But they kept playing. In the 54th minute, they got a goal; then another one in the 56th minute. 4 minutes later, they pulled level. When the game ended after 120 minutes, via penalty shoot-out, Liverpool was champion.

The proof of desire is pursuit: If you want it badly enough, you will get it! Passion is everything! Follow your passion and success will follow you.

George Bernard Shaw—“All progress is made by unreasonable people because reasonable people adjust to their surroundings and unreasonable people rebel against their surroundings and produce progress.”
May you be unreasonable!

See you at the top.

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